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The Less Stressed Lawyer

Oct 25, 2022

Join me this week and hear three important questions to ask yourself to help you evaluate your time. Discover why evaluating just one aspect of your day every day will change your life, and how to develop a deeper understanding of how to evaluate the way you plan your time, and how you execute your plans.


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Oct 18, 2022

Tune in this week to discover all the reasons you’ve struggled to honor your well-laid plans in the past, and how to tackle them head-on. I’m sharing the uncomfortable emotions that are going to come up when you start honoring your plan, and how to address the thoughts that make honoring your plans so tricky.



Oct 11, 2022

Discover how to start planning your schedule accurately. I’m sharing how perfectionism sneaks into our scheduling, and the many other ways I see people setting themselves up for time-management failure. I’m also sharing my process for accurate planning, so you can account for everything that we tend to ignore when...

Oct 4, 2022

Discover how to reclaim control of your calendar. I’m showing you why the way you spend your time is ultimately your choice, and how to start setting intentional boundaries around your schedule while managing the uncomfortable emotions that come up when you start putting yourself first.


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