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The Less Stressed Lawyer

May 30, 2023

Money is one of my favorite topics that I work on with my clients, so this week is the first episode in a series addressing your money mindset, how you think about money, how you interact with money, overspending, under-earning, and all of the most important money topics.


Tune in this week to bring some clarity to...

May 23, 2023

Making excuses is something most of us struggle with at some point in our lives. However, it’s possible to drop this habit and operate in your life without making excuses.


Discover where you’re making excuses for the results you’ve created, and how to stop. I’m sharing what this work looks like with my...

May 16, 2023

Lawyers tend to have limiting beliefs about their job being inherently hard, however, believing that’s true is a choice you’re making.


Discover how you could be making your life harder than it needs to be this week. I’m sharing how to spot where you’re creating your own suffering, where you should consider...

May 9, 2023

Broken record conversations are incredibly indulgent. They don’t serve you or add any value, they’re just something that that feels good for a moment.


This week, learn what broken record conversations are and identify where you’re stuck in them. I share some of my own personal development that is the inspiration...

May 2, 2023

Hear what False Third Options are and examples that you’ve likely encountered in your life and business. I’m showing you how you’re pining after an option that doesn’t actually exist, and how recognizing your False Third Options will lead to decisions that feel more intentional and far less paralyzing.

